
Kimya Dawson - Hidden Vagenda

Sorry about the gaps between my posts. I haven't really had a ton of motivation to do this for a few days, but I'm pretty sure I've got a few albums lined up and ready to go.

On today's agenda, Kimya Dawson. You probably know her as the female voice from that cutesy song in Juno. I'm not saying it wasn't a good song, and she had a couple of other songs in that movie that were really good, but it's far from the best song she's ever written. In fact every single song on this album is worlds better than that song.

My entire life I've never really enjoyed female vocalists. I think it's because of all the embellishments that they throw in with their music. Take someone like Brittney Spears; really take her. guh guh guh. Anyways, for a female to be considered a good singer, you have to be perfect. And in a world of perfect female voices, Kimya Dawson's voice rings through strongest of all. I call her the female Daniel Johnston, and I'm pretty sure she wouldn't be offended.

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